
I'm a Mac Girl now......

So, I love it.....really I do. It took me a few minutes to figure how to get this pic from the web to here but hey there it is! Everyone has said you just have to get used to it. So....I feel being a lil late this morning so that I can play on it... is allowed ;) Last night I was frustrated because the screen wasn't big enough.....then I read some message boards and most of the Apple users that responded were assholes! Not to me but to someone who had the same question! The question "How do I make my windows bigger on my mac screen?" The answers "Why would you want your screen to be bigger?" "That is a "windows" thing and you're just going to have to get over it and get used to the green + button" WELL.....for now I have just increased the font and screen and look like I might have some visual impairment ;) But I'll get there.... where is there??


i'll keep you posted, so far so good. It's easy and things "make sense", just used to Windows where things are overly complicated. Ahhhh......see now I'm the Apple Asshole ;) 

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