So what's going on today? Work. Some days I love work and some days I dread work. But today I love work! So let's take a lil looksy into my work place.
Here is my Speech sign that is the essence of me and what I do! I love it! That lil booth at Affair of the Heart would get tons of business from me, but alas, labeling every room in your house with glitter signs would be a lil tacky ;) ......(and yes, my Hello Kitty december calendar is still up!)
And....ahh, here we have the treasure chest! The key to getting children to behave and do whatever you tell them to do ;)
Again, the essence of me.....drinks, snacks, lunch, or my neighbor's drinks, snacks, or lunch. Forget the teachers' lounge, welcome to The Oral Motor No really, I just like eating in my room and not the teachers' lounge ;) ha ha.
I'm seeing a pattern here with poor calendar skills ;) All my kids are like "Is Valentine's Day in January?" Yes, I am confusing them because I can't find my January numbers!!
And here.....on our tour are my credentials. Oh yes, they are guarded by my Christmas gift from my friend next door. She came to the conclusion that I Am The Dark Side.........his hands glow in the dark!
And last but not least on this tour of the ME! Yes, if you are a taxpayer, your money is going to my salary which allows me to buy my wonderful makeup and the time for me to put it on when I arrive to work. Hey, otherwise you'd still be paying for me to put it on at home! But I made it to work today on time, minus the makeup ;) You have to make sacrifices!
I hope you enjoyed the look into my professional life,.........well as professional as it gets ;)
Love love love it!! Especially labeling everything with the glittery signs part! LOL
your room is SO tidy compared to mine, and we only got a glimpse of my desk, much less all the other piles of garbage on every other flat surface around here!
I love these "words" they make you type here to leave a comment...hmm what the hdagztel does THAT mean!?
Me again, just wanted to say you're so beautiful!
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